Illuminator Method – Principle Three: Spirituality
Embodied IP as Your Branding Story
An embodied brand has an overarching branding story, which is an expression of the spiritual journey that you have been on yourself. When you own the story of your life and circumstances, and turn those wounds into your greatest sources of wisdom, compassion and power, you become a lighthouse in the world.
As you shine your light, by owning and sharing your story with vulnerability and authenticity, you become magnetic to other people who are in the same position that you were in, and you help to inspire, educate and uplift them, so they can take the very same steps you took through your own transformation, and live the results you are living now. This is how we can be the change in the world. We realise our own greatest potential. Be a leader, and the greatest gift we have to give, is our most realised self – for our own self-fulfi lment fi rst, and secondarily as a gift to others to realise within them too.
Our own life story is in fact what I call our “embodied IP”. The fastest way to grow your business is to in fact grow your “embodied IP”, which means to take responsibility for your life, and choose to pursue self-mastery by working on yourself, developing your consciousness, and being a master alchemist to turn your limitations into knowledge, then walk the talk of that knowledge every day to turn it into embodied wisdom. The more you walk the talk of that embodied wisdom, by being the real deal of what you stand for and stand against, the more your brand will be the real deal, be embodied, be felt and begin to reach the masses. If you want to grow your business quick smart, then invest lots in personal development, as your business will never outgrow your level of consciousness as the business owner. The more in integrity you’re living, in accordance with your awakened, higher self, the more the path will be revealed to you. It’s like the next step won’t be revealed to you, until you get the learning of the current step, therefore the more you work on yourself, and learn from your current day experiences, the next puzzle piece will be revealed, and step by step, your destiny will be revealed through the 90 degrees of your life experience.
When we can accept that this body is temporary, and that we are a soul having a human experience, suddenly we get to take ourselves, our purpose, our fears, our limitations and this whole Sha-bang all the less serious. This level of playfulness, fun, and light-heartedness is required if you want to live life in this way. To live from this degree of courage means becoming way more ok with failing, life not going to plan, setbacks, and mistakes along the way. Don’t equate your self-worth or let those moments define you. In fact, the more ok you are with not being defined by your brand, your movement, your success, your clients, money, fame, attention – the better. Don’t let the success defi ne you, and neither will the failure. To be led by this spiritual connection, is to know that your connection to your business empress and emperor is guiding you as an entrepreneur to solve meaningful problems in the world. This is first and foremost how we live this principle of an embodied brand.
In my business school, I help people to come up with their own overarching branding story, and use this story as a means for connection, to support and enable them to build a brand that connects with their audience in a relatable, vulnerable and authentic way. Remember, people can copy your logo, colours, packaging, positioning and even the words that you use, but what stays unique, is always your branding story, and the spiritual journey you have been on. After we have come up with an overarching branding story, then I help you to identify what the unique process of transformation and your genius method is, so that then we can ensure that the branding story you do share is relevant to the stories you need to speak to. This will help your audience to connect and relate, and build the relevant trust in your authority, so they know you understand them, and you understand their problem.
Start to reflect on…
• What do people ask me to help them with the most or what am I most renowned for delivering the results on?
• What is effortless for me to deliver, and that I enjoy providing to my clients?
• If you were asked to speak on a topic without notes for 30 minutes, what would you speak about?
• What are the 3 major problems you have been through in your own journey, and what did you learn or what were the steps you took to gain the knowledge on the other side? For example, insecurity in business and the breakthrough was how to build a business which is an expression of our authentic self.
• In your own life, what are the 3 micro stories you can share of your brand’s story to relate to these problems, and what were the turning points within this? What did you have to learn to experience the result and transformation you now promise your clients.
• What was the turning point story that changed the direction and course of your own life?
• What were you gaining by staying stuck, before you experienced that change and what did you have to believe instead?
This is an excerpt of the book. Click here to read more and get your free copy.
Samantha J. is the sought after “Illuminator” - the world’s only luxury business strategist and medicine woman, that merges spirituality, strategy and self expression to help coaches and personal brands to scale to 7-8 figures and become fulfilled in all areas of their life along the way! Samantha is also a multi 8 figure award winning entrepreneur, 6 x best-selling author and soulful speaker.
Her unconventional approach, helps coaches stand out with a luxury brand, and social impact focus, to build an empire that merges purpose and profit, unifying the world by solving some of the world’s most pressing challenges such as poverty, climate change and eradicating sex trafficking. Samantha has been named as one of the Top 20 Entrepreneurs on the Rise by Fox in 2021, and one of the Top 7 Women Paving the Way of Success in 2022 by Disrupt Magazine, for her efforts, with a vision to help 100 million purposeful and profitable empires in her lifetime through her business school Humanitarian B-School and her luxury business agency, Illuminator.
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