Entrepreneurship Success is Built from the Inside Out

At Samantha J, I speak about building empires from the inside out.

When I’ve looked at life, I’ve seen two avenues for major transformation to become our fullest self expression, to live out our true purpose and become all that we can be. 

The first one is entrepreneurship and the second is sacred union partnership or also referred to as conscious relationship. 

Both of these, mirror back to us, the inner relationship we have with ourself. They show us our fears, limiting beliefs, limiting identities and the conflict of values that are holding us back from getting what we want in life. When we make this information conscious, we can use both of these avenues as a way to become grow and evolve. 

In the first module of Empress & Emperor that I take people through, I help you to first build the solid foundations of success by adopting the mindset and psychology of the person congruent to an empire that is scalable, sustainable and self expression. So you can build an empire that is an authentic reflection of who you are and the way you do business.

For example, one client may be finding that they can not get their needs met in their business. They have to constantly sacrifice their time, lifestyle, money and energy. They are feeling burnt out, exhausted and have started to resent the business. 

This is a key example of a limiting belief that could be mirroring back within the entrepreneur. By using our practices, they would be able to discern for themselves why they are holding the belief of “I can’t get my needs met in my business”. They would then go through a process to look at the behaviours that they then carry out in the business to further create this. They may resist delegating tasks, create programs that do not suit their ideal lifestyle, and do not communicate what they want and need from their clients or staff. 

If they adopt the belief, “I can get my needs met”, then they would also change the ways they are building their empire, so their empire can be sustainable in a way that no longer leaves them burnt out, exhausted, and unfulfilled. Instead, they can create a business that suits their lifestyle, meets their financial needs, and also brings them genuine meaning, all whilst making an impact in the world! 

Leading as a Business Empress & Emperor, is truly a constant process of increasing your awareness to hold space for your limitations, then create space to ask yourself what you want to create instead, then choosing to take action by moving into a new identity that is congruent to the empire you wish to be building and the most authentic expression of you. The entrepreneurs who have success come to them with ease, are those that move through this process responsibly, by shifting out of their sabotaging drama queen or king, and into their Business Empress & Emperor. They do this by letting their connection to God, Source or Spirit inspire them, to continue to walk the talk, and stand for that greater purpose that they are aligning their business to. 

If you want to learn how to release sabotage, and embody your business empress or emperor, book a call with me


About Samantha j.

Samantha J. is the sought after “Illuminator” - the world’s only luxury business strategist and medicine woman, that merges spirituality, strategy and self expression to help coaches and personal brands to scale to 7-8 figures and become fulfilled in all areas of their life along the way! Samantha is also a multi 8 figure award winning entrepreneur, 6 x best-selling author and soulful speaker.

Her unconventional approach, helps coaches stand out with a luxury brand, and social impact focus, to build an empire that merges purpose and profit, unifying the world by solving some of the world’s most pressing challenges such as poverty, climate change and eradicating sex trafficking. Samantha has been named as one of the Top 20 Entrepreneurs on the Rise by Fox in 2021, and one of the Top 7 Women Paving the Way of Success in 2022 by Disrupt Magazine, for her efforts, with a vision to help 100 million purposeful and profitable empires in her lifetime through her business school Humanitarian B-School and her luxury business agency, Illuminator.

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Interview of Samantha featured on WBOC, Fox 43 and WRDE.

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“Synergy is the highest form of success, where purpose, profit, and people unite to create a win-win-win world for all.” —Samantha J.

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